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Beltane Sabbat Kit

Beltane Sabbat Kit

Regular price $13.00 USD
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Celebrate Beltane, the Witch Joseph Way…with this Beltane Sabbat Kit…Your observance can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be…this kit makes it easy for you.

Beltane, also spelled Beltaine, also known as May Day is generally celebrates on May 1st…though some say it occurs when the Sun transits 15 degrees Taurus, so check with an ephemeris or a trusted source if you choose to celebrate it by the Sun’s position.

Beltane is when we celebrate the beginning of Summer and the union and fertility of the Lord and Lady.  On this night, we celebrate their sacred union…sacred because it is a union of perfect Love and perfect Trust.  We celebrate the power of the Earth to bring forth new forms, for we know that the Earth is a living being and that all of Her creatures are a part of Her body.  Each has a place, a purpose, a special part in the great dance of Life.  We celebrate the joys of being alive and we give thanks for all the different kinds of pleasure our bodies can give us. When we give each other Love and Pleasure, the whole Earth is pleased.  The flowers bloom brighter and the birds sing louder…and we ask for blessings and protections on our animal companions, familiars and animal friends.

This kit includes a handmade Beltane votive candle…to place in the cauldron or in the center to be lit at the appropriate time in the ceremony.  The Kit has a suggested declaration to be read for a simple candle lighting to honor the holy day…and there is a suggested ritual pattern/structure included that you can follow to create your own full ritual…it’s all up to you…as always, follow your inner light, your guides and your intuition…and you won’t go wrong.  Take what resonates with you and ignore the rest.

Also included are two chime altar candles in Sabbat colors…and an incense cone to utilize during the ritual.

This ritual is derived from my own practices over the years and there were many sources that influenced me and inspired my practices, including these rituals…they are: the Reclaiming tradition, Starhawk, Janet and Stewart Farrar, Raymond Buckland, Scott Cunningham and many others.

Each kit also comes with a complimentary Charm necklace with a Witch charm on it…as a thank you for supporting Witch Joseph…we appreciate you so very much.

We wish you the blessings of the Beltane season…Blessed Be! Xoxox

Each Kit includes: 1 Sabbat Votive Candle, 2 Altar Chime Candles in Sabbat colors, Incense Cone, Ritual Outline for an expanded Ritual and complete suggestions for a Sabbat candle lighting ceremony/ritual.  Also candle safety instructions (please exercise common sense when burning candles or incense and always follow industry guidelines for safety.) As previously mentioned, Each kit also includes a complimentary Witch charm necklace as a special thank you for supporting us at Witch Joseph.

When using your kit…you can freely adapt anything in the suggestions…also feel free to adapt them to solitary use, which is fairly easy to do.  The ritual outline is included so that you can more easily design a more complex ritual using your own elements…ie casting the circle, invocation ect.  Do what works for you.


Candle and Incense Safety:

Always burn candles and incense in appropriate Heat resistant fire proof holders that follow industry safety standards.

Burn within sight: A reminder to keep an eye on all burning candles, and extinguish a candle before leaving a room…many Witches keep a candle snuffer for this purpose.  (Some believe that blowing a sacred candle out is insulting to the salamanders…and we don’t want them upset.)

Keep away from combustibles: A cue to pay attention to your surroundings. Keep burning candles away from  furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, and other flammable objects.

 Keep away from children: Make sure your candles are placed up high and unreachable to children and pets.



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